Poor little guy, just wanted to get away from us. |
So, a few years, back, let's say mid-May 2008, we had what we call 'The Great Raccoon Incident'.
There was a night time tangling, and the next day, I sent this email out to my neighborhood listserv:
Hello All,
We were foolish enough to leave our door open last night (a mistake that we feel pretty schooled on right now), and we had a nocturnal visitor. Sadly, our dog noticed first, and tangled with said beastie.
I do not recommend separating dog/raccoon pairing while naked and sleepy.
The raccoon cornered itself under some furniture, and after some wishy/washyness, I called 911 b/c I have to admit, I have NO IDEA if angry, hurt beast is considered an emergency. Big shout out to Stephanie at 911, who had the most soothing voice ever, and got animal control for us. And Chris from animal control, who despite getting roused from bed was cheerful about the whole thing.
Unfortunately, by the time Chris arrived, the raccoon ran out the back. I say unfortunately because even thought I was pretty happy to have it out of the house, it was clearly injured from the fight. And since they don't have the raccoon, we're taking our dog in for a rabies booster.
Anyway, long story even longer: If you see an injured raccoon in the neighborhood, please call animal control. If it's injuries were worse than we realized, and you find it's body, please call animal control rather than disposing of it yourself, as I'd like to have it tested for rabies.
Oh, and if you are silly like us: close your doors and doggie doors at night!
{our address}
Blue with a party hat, getting a rabies booster. |
A friend kindly pointed out that I had told everyone:
- We sleep naked
- We didn't just have our back door unlocked, but wide open
- Our address
Like this, only silver
and way less intimidating. |
Of course, not included in the story was the fact that S. was doped up on Nyquil and basically useless, that when the ungodly yowling of Blue and the raccoon 'rasslin woke us up, my first instinct to protect us was to shriek and then grab something. That 'something' ended up being a small djembe drum. Have you ever tried to wield one as a weapon? Not recommended.
In fact, we stood there, me with drum in hand, S. mostly just bearing extreme befuddlement, and watched the two animals knock into the kitchen door and it slowly slam shut. Blocking the egress. S. did manage to get a hold of Blue and pull her off the raccoon. But it was a total stand off. S. holding a very riled up dog, me with my drum, the raccoon with a serious case of crazy eyes and no way out.
The raccoon dashed away from the kitchen, and under some furniture in the dining room. I had no idea the horrifying noises that raccoons make. We threw open the kitchen door, and created a blocking tunnel of boxes to try and convince the raccoon to flee. Which, of course, it only did about 5 mins before animal control showed up.
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