Thursday, January 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Door Update

Fiddly paper roses, dry brushed w/ orange paint.
My original plan had been to make a metric buttload of paper roses and make some ball ornaments.  Then I goobered up my hand and the thought of making any more fiddly little roses made me cry, so I changed my mind!

Instead, I cut a heart out of cardboard, edging the top in my roses.  I had painted the heart a vaguely bubble gum pink, and it was kind of terrifying and flat.  Did not work for me.  So I busted out some pretty pink glitter (that was in my stocking from Xtopher&Raymond).  I'm obsessing on pink and orange right now, just really loving the color combo.

Everything really is better with a little glitter.  Plus now it matches it's new home better.

A little glue, a little glitter, a schnapps-laced hot cocoa.  Life is Good!

And now, the big reveal!

Now my door is ready for festivities!

Up the nose shot! Plus, oops, I need to hit the edges with more glitter!


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  1. Love those roses!!! The blue on the skull is so yummy!!! TYFS!! I wonder do you have a tutorial for your pretty flowers?

  2. Eat that heart scully! lol

  3. I love it! I'm a fan of skulls and it's unexpected valentine decor, but totally works!

  4. I really like the orange and pink the skull idea - very Damien Hurst!(who?)
    I am your newest follower from the freakin' Friday hop and would be delighted if you would drop by and maybe follow me if you would like.
    Warm wishes from a cold UK
    Carol from
    -the blog that gives you laughter lines

  5. Now somehow I've missed the fact you've been following me - see I clearly am half witted! Actually my follower list keeps changing about and I keep losing people for a while then suddenly they'll all be there again!
    I'm also really glad that I've followed you too. Thank you for the very complimentary comment.
    More warm wishes from an aged dim wit.

  6. hysterical! i love it! at first when i just saw the flowers, i thought that didn't seem like "you" but then you went and skeletonified it. good call!

    pole dancing!!! oh my goodness. i didn't know there were classes for that-i'd be waaaay too embarassed. but man, i'm sure that'd be a good story!

  7. Too cute and too funny! So need this for my door for V-day.

    Thanks for sharing,

  8. Great idea! Thanks for joining Get your craft on Thursday at Life As Lori!

    I'm having a Valentine Party that will be up until 2-14-11. I would love for you to join me!

  9. I love your door--very cool! How did you make the flowers?

  10. I love this post. How did you create the flowers? I hope to make one. Thanks for this post.

  11. Oh how freakin' cute!!! I {{heart}} the aqua skull!! How you did you make him? Did you cut that skull out yourself? Also, how did you get those link party buttons so small? I am going to start following! Can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  12. Love the skull. Just love it. The flowers are the perfect touch. I featured you today on my favorite things :)

  13. Ack! I've been totally caught up in personal stuffs this week, so I'm super behind in comments. Thank you everyone for your very kind comments and for those of you who followed me, YAY! Welcome, I'll try not to suck!

    So, I kind of forget about the skull, since he's been up for so long, but he was actually a Target score, for like, $2! But I love him so much I didn't want to take him down, so am decorating him for various holidays. I do want to figure out making my own, though.

    It looks like a cardboard or chipboard base, painted turquoise, with an ultra fine glitter (in fact, it looks to be a match to Martha Stewart's turquoise glitter). My plan is to make a couple more, because THEY ROCK!

    And I'll do a little video on the flowers, they are really easy, but I can't even begin to think about how to describe using just pictures.

  14. What a fun craft. Hope your hands okay.

  15. Glitter is good...this made me smile!

  16. Totally, wickedly awesome!!! I dig your style! "Meat popsicle"? Best profile description EVER! I love your project -- completely original, glittery and beautifully executed! Orange and pink -- I agree! Great together! So, so glad you linked up at "A Little Birdie Told Me..." at Rook No. 17!


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